Monday, July 28, 2008

Modern Day Slavery? Yeah

My family watched Amazing Grace last night, and as usual when we watch it, got into a discussion about slavery.

We are of the opinion that slavery exists today, mainly in terms of the illegal immigrants and the wages they are forced to live with working for companies that are too cheap to hire legal citizens.

What was ironic...or funny? about it, was that on Glenn Becks radio show today, he was talking about the same thing! I thought it was very interesting.

We totally agree with him -- what about the people who hired the illegal aliens??? What about them? How can they stand to sleep at night knowing what they are doing to another human being? Of course, what about the black slave trade and how they were treated...people seemed to sleep just fine during that where is their soul?

Apparently they don't have them.

I have no problem with people wanting to come to America legally. I know that the red tape is insane, and the costs are there too...but if you want to be here -- what's the price? What are you willing to pay for freedom? We live in the greatest country in the world...

Just ask the illegals.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama Vs McCain

Okay...I only use this post for political or other frustrations that have to do with the society in which we live. I've managed to keep my mouth shut for a while here, but this latest bit with Obama makes me want to scream.

He reminds me a LOT of Rev Jackson when he was touring around the world and trying to make a name for himself so he could run for office. What business does Obama have touring the war zones and ignoring the troupes?? We got an email from a friend who's son sent her a letter just after he was there. It said he seemed to go out of his way to ignore the men in line to greet him, shaking hands only with the Mucky mucks and putting on a grand show for the cameras and all that media that he invited to go with him.

Such a show. He should have been an actor. I wonder sometimes what his reality is compared to ours.

I'm not really excited about McCain, but at least he's had some experience. sigh.