Well...it's that time again. Yes...I'm talking about elections. Where everyone divides into camps (well...they usually do anyway) and try and convince everyone to vote for their favorite person. That person usually tries to convince everyone that they are the best choice--depending on what the issues are.
But does everyone really know the issues? And what does it matter what party anyway? My husband had a great idea--let's get rid of all parties and just have people vote. The party thing is getting totally out of hand. If you don't agree with the two major parties, your vote goes no where. There is no chance for an Independent, for example, to get elected president. That was proven out several years ago when one man came pretty darn close...but close only counts in handgrenades and horseshoes, right?
I happened to see a list of all the parties available in my state to vote under. I was amazed! There were actually 18 different parties! What in the world? And most of those people will never see print anywhere in the city paper. But they believe in their position enough to try another course.
Personally, I was raised Independent. My parents voted however they felt the candidate was best for the position. Usually Republican, but whatever. I remember when Nixon was running. I was soooo for him...it's embarrassing to remember that now. I pushed for him with everyone else in my neighborhood. California didn't know what they were doing, huh? Sigh.
There are times when I think the presidency is only a figurehead. A scapegoat when things aren't going the way you want, and a banner boy for when they are. Most presidents don't get the credit they deserve because what they have accomplished is something that doesn't take effect or you don't see the fruits of until they have been replaced. Their replacement gets the credit. (ugh...like Clinton got the credit for Bush)
I guess you'll find I lean more toward Republicans...simply because I don't have much of a choice otherwise. No one has convinced the rest of the republicans that an Independent is going to get anything accomplished in the white house. The pure fact of religion is against you too.
If you are anything other than protestant, catholic or a main stream religion, it's going to hound you during your campaign, and unless you are extremely charismatic, honest to the core, and great with talking---it's not going to happen.
Well...the word is that the Dems have taken control of the house. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think it's great either. My husband is desperately afraid that they will ruin the last two years of Bush's presidency...push a Democratic president in there, end the war in Iraq at ALL or ANY cost, and cause us to be at war again because the terrorists will find no reason not to attack us at home again. We'll have a 9/11 again, and this time the whole 18 year old male thing will come into play and our son's will be called to fight. It's not a pretty picture.
I'm hoping he's wrong. But, I hate to say it, he's generally right.
Stupid is as stupid does... politics.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
New AND Improved???
Okay...does the flashy title New and Improved bother anyone else? I got to looking at a bottle of mouse the other day, and had to shake my head. If it was new in the first place, how could it be improved already??? And if it wasn't new and just improved, why not just say newly improved or like I've seen...new improved formula type thing. But new AND improved? That's just scary. Makes you wonder what is going on in people's minds. Of course we buy it anyway...
Monday, September 11, 2006
I will Never Forget
Well...on this 5th anniversary of 9/11, I am going to send forth my voice into the void to join the many thousands other who are voicing their opinions. Not just on this day, but every day. I feel that even though it's likely my voice will not be heard above the rabble and the craziness, I still need to exercise the privilege of this country and express myself.
I have to say these things, because I would be doing my father a disservice by remaining quiet. I wrote a short story for a contest a couple of months ago, and I am putting the link here so that if anyone would like to read it, they can access it. I wrote this story of fiction, using memories of my family as background.
My father was a Ranger in WWII. He survived D-day to become a hero in my eyes. My grandfather was in WWI in the Navy. He was some sort of rank, but other than a photo of him in uniform with lots of medals on his chest, I don't know what it was. I currently have two nephews serving in the armed forces, one of which has been to Afghanistan and been in the 'hot zone'.
What I am trying to say, is that I come from a military background. I probably have a different perspective than others on war and the military. I do not seek war, I wish and pray for peace. But, I realize that our freedom came at a cost, and it's a cost that is needing to be continually paid. Whatever be the current rumors and misleading newscasts...despite what might end up being the true story behind 9/11--the top thing we must always remember is how our firefighters and police and emergency personnel responded in an emergency within our nation. How they shored up our faith and showed courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
There was an article in the paper on Saturday that talked about a group call the Truth Commission (or something to that effect) and how they have uncovered a plot (or conspiracy theory) by the government to cause the greater tragedy on 9/11 by bombing the lower portion of the towers so that they would fall. There was no reason (in this article, proclaimed by this group) for the towers to fall in such a way. They should have toppled over, not collapsed in on themselves.
I am not an engineer. I do not know anything about buildings. However-I have seen several demolitions of buildings and watched how they came down. I have seen the films of 9/11 several times, including last night's special on channel 2 (NBC?) and I have come to the conclusion in my inexpertness, that they could not have been bombed in such a way...but that's a side issue.
What I wanted to proclaim in my small blog on this memorial day, is that we are doing the right thing. That we should never forget this day or December 7th because these were days that mark tragedy in our country. These were days that brave men and women died to save others--in an attack by foreign countries on our soil. These were courageous people who died trying to save innocent ones and we should never forget. The flag should always be flown, not just on today. Our great nation might be struggling at this point to find itself amid the chaos of politics, but the people are still great. We still have a fight to fight. We must still keep our freedoms. We have to strike out against those that would destroy those freedoms and the innocents in our country. There could still be a strike on our country at any time, despite the security measures which have given us a measure of safety.
Yes, I can understand where people are confused, but perhaps I never knew the whole facts. I had no idea that they were going after Saddam himself, it was Osama from the beginning. And despite what the news tells you, there is much that has happened that most will never know because it's not being let out. They will never broadcast that WMD have been found in Iraq, despite being old and perhaps no longer useful, they are still there. They were found. And despite the fact that everyone thinks we are only there because of the oil--we have been able to free a people that haven't known freedom in generations. My nephew has told us of how thankful people are that we are there! Is that something you've heard on the news? Of course not! That would say that we are doing something good. All we hear about is the soldiers that die.
I happen to live in a state that is rather conservative. Our capitol city, however, has a mayor that has decided to make a name for himself, despite the damage it does to our state, and has spoken out against the President. He has suggested that he needs to be impeached--that this war against terror is a crime.
The crime is what is being fed to the nation by the media. The crime is that those who enjoy our nation of free speech would try and silence those who speak out against them.
These are the times that try the hearts of men. That is an old quote and I'm sorry I don't know who said it, but it's as true now as it was then. We were united as a nation after 9/11. We were strong. We knew what needed to be done. But time fades the sharpness of the pain, the fear that we lived with, the empty skies for almost a week afterward. We are human, and as such, tend to forget things, or lessen them with time.
THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!! WE must never forget!
Now suddenly our patriotism is slack...there aren't as many flags flying as there were that fall, are there? Do you have a flag in the front of your house? On your car? Are your children proud to be called an American? More importantly are you???
You live in a nation where you can do pretty much anything you want to do for a living. You can travel anywhere within it's confines without worrying about being searched or asked questions (unless you choose to fly, and there is no problem on my part with that). You have the right to question the leaders and ask them to account for what they do. You have the right to criticize those around you. You have so many rights and privileges that many people only dream about. Remember what they say about our nation (or used to) -- The land of dreams???
Well...for many, it still is. We still have sooo much, while others do not, and they are always going to be jealous of those things. We are always going to have to defend our rights. There are times when the politics gets in the way of what is right, and what needs to be done. The majority of our nation is good. The greater part of our leaders (I think) are good. I think President Bush has done an amazing job in the face of all the negative publicity and name bashing. Think of what the press has done to this man and our nation. What other country in the world would allow such slander??? (Okay...slander is if it's in print?)
I do not align myself with any particular political party. I was raised to be an independent thinker. Right now, both the major political parties are mixed up and messed up. They do NOT think of what's good for the people, only what's good for the party...what is good politics. My husband made a suggestion the other day, that we should dump both parties and start over. Everyone is so power hungry, they forget what is important.
I've already gotten far more carried away than I meant to. But this is an important issue--one which I think every American needs to take note of. WE Can NEVER Forget!!! Once we start forgetting, we do not place the value on things that need to be. We don't give freedom such a rating as it should have.
I hope everyone takes a moment to honor those who have gone before us, either in war or tragedy and silently give thanks for their sacrifice. That we can be where we are, doing what we are doing with the freedoms that we have.
Never Forget.
I have to say these things, because I would be doing my father a disservice by remaining quiet. I wrote a short story for a contest a couple of months ago, and I am putting the link here so that if anyone would like to read it, they can access it. I wrote this story of fiction, using memories of my family as background.
My father was a Ranger in WWII. He survived D-day to become a hero in my eyes. My grandfather was in WWI in the Navy. He was some sort of rank, but other than a photo of him in uniform with lots of medals on his chest, I don't know what it was. I currently have two nephews serving in the armed forces, one of which has been to Afghanistan and been in the 'hot zone'.
What I am trying to say, is that I come from a military background. I probably have a different perspective than others on war and the military. I do not seek war, I wish and pray for peace. But, I realize that our freedom came at a cost, and it's a cost that is needing to be continually paid. Whatever be the current rumors and misleading newscasts...despite what might end up being the true story behind 9/11--the top thing we must always remember is how our firefighters and police and emergency personnel responded in an emergency within our nation. How they shored up our faith and showed courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
There was an article in the paper on Saturday that talked about a group call the Truth Commission (or something to that effect) and how they have uncovered a plot (or conspiracy theory) by the government to cause the greater tragedy on 9/11 by bombing the lower portion of the towers so that they would fall. There was no reason (in this article, proclaimed by this group) for the towers to fall in such a way. They should have toppled over, not collapsed in on themselves.
I am not an engineer. I do not know anything about buildings. However-I have seen several demolitions of buildings and watched how they came down. I have seen the films of 9/11 several times, including last night's special on channel 2 (NBC?) and I have come to the conclusion in my inexpertness, that they could not have been bombed in such a way...but that's a side issue.
What I wanted to proclaim in my small blog on this memorial day, is that we are doing the right thing. That we should never forget this day or December 7th because these were days that mark tragedy in our country. These were days that brave men and women died to save others--in an attack by foreign countries on our soil. These were courageous people who died trying to save innocent ones and we should never forget. The flag should always be flown, not just on today. Our great nation might be struggling at this point to find itself amid the chaos of politics, but the people are still great. We still have a fight to fight. We must still keep our freedoms. We have to strike out against those that would destroy those freedoms and the innocents in our country. There could still be a strike on our country at any time, despite the security measures which have given us a measure of safety.
Yes, I can understand where people are confused, but perhaps I never knew the whole facts. I had no idea that they were going after Saddam himself, it was Osama from the beginning. And despite what the news tells you, there is much that has happened that most will never know because it's not being let out. They will never broadcast that WMD have been found in Iraq, despite being old and perhaps no longer useful, they are still there. They were found. And despite the fact that everyone thinks we are only there because of the oil--we have been able to free a people that haven't known freedom in generations. My nephew has told us of how thankful people are that we are there! Is that something you've heard on the news? Of course not! That would say that we are doing something good. All we hear about is the soldiers that die.
I happen to live in a state that is rather conservative. Our capitol city, however, has a mayor that has decided to make a name for himself, despite the damage it does to our state, and has spoken out against the President. He has suggested that he needs to be impeached--that this war against terror is a crime.
The crime is what is being fed to the nation by the media. The crime is that those who enjoy our nation of free speech would try and silence those who speak out against them.
These are the times that try the hearts of men. That is an old quote and I'm sorry I don't know who said it, but it's as true now as it was then. We were united as a nation after 9/11. We were strong. We knew what needed to be done. But time fades the sharpness of the pain, the fear that we lived with, the empty skies for almost a week afterward. We are human, and as such, tend to forget things, or lessen them with time.
THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!! WE must never forget!
Now suddenly our patriotism is slack...there aren't as many flags flying as there were that fall, are there? Do you have a flag in the front of your house? On your car? Are your children proud to be called an American? More importantly are you???
You live in a nation where you can do pretty much anything you want to do for a living. You can travel anywhere within it's confines without worrying about being searched or asked questions (unless you choose to fly, and there is no problem on my part with that). You have the right to question the leaders and ask them to account for what they do. You have the right to criticize those around you. You have so many rights and privileges that many people only dream about. Remember what they say about our nation (or used to) -- The land of dreams???
Well...for many, it still is. We still have sooo much, while others do not, and they are always going to be jealous of those things. We are always going to have to defend our rights. There are times when the politics gets in the way of what is right, and what needs to be done. The majority of our nation is good. The greater part of our leaders (I think) are good. I think President Bush has done an amazing job in the face of all the negative publicity and name bashing. Think of what the press has done to this man and our nation. What other country in the world would allow such slander??? (Okay...slander is if it's in print?)
I do not align myself with any particular political party. I was raised to be an independent thinker. Right now, both the major political parties are mixed up and messed up. They do NOT think of what's good for the people, only what's good for the party...what is good politics. My husband made a suggestion the other day, that we should dump both parties and start over. Everyone is so power hungry, they forget what is important.
I've already gotten far more carried away than I meant to. But this is an important issue--one which I think every American needs to take note of. WE Can NEVER Forget!!! Once we start forgetting, we do not place the value on things that need to be. We don't give freedom such a rating as it should have.
I hope everyone takes a moment to honor those who have gone before us, either in war or tragedy and silently give thanks for their sacrifice. That we can be where we are, doing what we are doing with the freedoms that we have.
Never Forget.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Ignorant Sales People Beware
I had the most obnoxious experience last week. I was trying to get a picture framed for the upcoming county fair that I was entering, and they messed up the mat for it. Twice. First, I went in and they said there was no way they could frame it for me within the time limit. They were looking at outwards of a week.
I gulped and figured I'd framed my own pictures once upon a time, I could do it again. Fine. How long would it take to cut the mat? They could do that by the evening. I said fine. Then I saw the cost. 4 cuts and it was $18???? Expensive paper...
Anyway, I go back the next morning (trying to be a gas saving consumer and be efficient in my errands...grin) and pick up the mat. I get to looking at it later that day, and realize that it is TOO BIG FOR THE FRAME. We are not talking about just a little...but WAY too big to fit in the glassed area. I couldn't believe it. I mean, THEY measured it! So, I take it back, pretty steamed, wanting to just return the whole thing and go to a different craft store, which has told me they could frame it for me before Saturday!
Of course not. I take it to the customer service area, and they call the manager who then takes me to the back. We talk to the person who cut it, and wow...no problem, they'll just trim it for me, it will take no time at all. Sure....
So, he cuts it again for me. Hey, I'm sorry, ya know? yeah.
I get home, and the next night get ready to put it together, since I hadn't had a minute before then. It's still too big. By a mere 1/8th of an inch... I couldn't believe it. We had to go back the first thing Saturday morning (I had to get it in there before noon) and show them the mat. The lady was the rudest I have ever seen. Like it was an imposition for her to have to cut it! I'm thinking, you know what??? You guys just lost my business.
At least at this point they could have offered to put it together for me for free!
I used to deal with customers on a daily business when we owned our own pizza store. There were rude ones, and there were sweet ones. I tried to be nice and civil to all of them....with the moto "The customer is Always right" as my goal. I know I never treated anyone like I was treated that day. I was barely able to think about a come back...let alone voice one.
We went to the customer service desk and asked to see the manager, who was of course not in the store. At that point, we left. I do not plan on going back, no matter how much closer they are than the other store. I like the other store better anyway. I only went to the one store because it was more convenient.
I think I'm still going to send their management a letter. I was the customer this time, and I WAS right.
I gulped and figured I'd framed my own pictures once upon a time, I could do it again. Fine. How long would it take to cut the mat? They could do that by the evening. I said fine. Then I saw the cost. 4 cuts and it was $18???? Expensive paper...
Anyway, I go back the next morning (trying to be a gas saving consumer and be efficient in my errands...grin) and pick up the mat. I get to looking at it later that day, and realize that it is TOO BIG FOR THE FRAME. We are not talking about just a little...but WAY too big to fit in the glassed area. I couldn't believe it. I mean, THEY measured it! So, I take it back, pretty steamed, wanting to just return the whole thing and go to a different craft store, which has told me they could frame it for me before Saturday!
Of course not. I take it to the customer service area, and they call the manager who then takes me to the back. We talk to the person who cut it, and wow...no problem, they'll just trim it for me, it will take no time at all. Sure....
So, he cuts it again for me. Hey, I'm sorry, ya know? yeah.
I get home, and the next night get ready to put it together, since I hadn't had a minute before then. It's still too big. By a mere 1/8th of an inch... I couldn't believe it. We had to go back the first thing Saturday morning (I had to get it in there before noon) and show them the mat. The lady was the rudest I have ever seen. Like it was an imposition for her to have to cut it! I'm thinking, you know what??? You guys just lost my business.
At least at this point they could have offered to put it together for me for free!
I used to deal with customers on a daily business when we owned our own pizza store. There were rude ones, and there were sweet ones. I tried to be nice and civil to all of them....with the moto "The customer is Always right" as my goal. I know I never treated anyone like I was treated that day. I was barely able to think about a come back...let alone voice one.
We went to the customer service desk and asked to see the manager, who was of course not in the store. At that point, we left. I do not plan on going back, no matter how much closer they are than the other store. I like the other store better anyway. I only went to the one store because it was more convenient.
I think I'm still going to send their management a letter. I was the customer this time, and I WAS right.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Ignoring the World
Well...part of the reason I haven't posted in a while is that I've been ignoring the real world and focusing on my own little corner.
I haven't been angry with the local big city yeeha mayor that I'm usually fuming over, I've paid little attention to the silly little country that Israel is bombing the heck out of (deservedly so) and I've been hiding away in my basement during the hot hours of the day, trying to keep from loosing all my excess weight in sweat, although I'd probably pay money if that were to really happen... grin.
I know there are people who pay big money for those sweat suits that make you loose like 4 pounds in two hours just sweating...what they don't tell you is that you gain back three of those the minute you step out of it and start drinking water to keep from drying up into a pile of dust.
I've been watching my husband and boys working in the garden (I love to watch him, he's sooo cute, and hey, that's him out there sweating, not me) and the cats chasing the bugs in the grass and the airplanes flying over head.
The reason I like watching the airplanes is that I get to go be on one this weekend. We are going on a cruise!! I'm sooo excited. I've been looking forward to this for the past month with bated breath. (bated?? um...breathy excitemen!) I held off on being excited until I knew it was really going to happen, because I hate wasting excitement. If I'm going to get excited, I want it to be worth while. (grin) I love flying. I don't mean just enjoy it, I'm not sure I really enjoy it--especially now that they don't really serve food on the flights anymore, just all the soda you can handle and salted peanuts (so that you have to use the little closet that passes for a restroom or else sit crosslegged and crosseyed until you land). But for some reason, I have always loved flying.
I guess that's because I love to travel. You'd think after a couple of trips this would calm down and be --well, every day. I've been on a couple of airplanes. I've flown to California several times, Orgeon, Cinncinatti, Ft Lauderdale, Atlanta, Mexico and now I'm going to Vancouver, BC. Never been there! That's part of the excitement. I feel like I want one of those collector sticker books with all the countries and states of the northern American continent, so I can put stickers where I've been. (I'm sure my husband would like to see the stickers on me, but then, I'm in a strange mood today, who knows!!)
So...if I come back and splash photos of bears and salmon jumping out of the water, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Sure makes the thought of summer heat much more bearable, if you know what I mean.
I haven't been angry with the local big city yeeha mayor that I'm usually fuming over, I've paid little attention to the silly little country that Israel is bombing the heck out of (deservedly so) and I've been hiding away in my basement during the hot hours of the day, trying to keep from loosing all my excess weight in sweat, although I'd probably pay money if that were to really happen... grin.
I know there are people who pay big money for those sweat suits that make you loose like 4 pounds in two hours just sweating...what they don't tell you is that you gain back three of those the minute you step out of it and start drinking water to keep from drying up into a pile of dust.
I've been watching my husband and boys working in the garden (I love to watch him, he's sooo cute, and hey, that's him out there sweating, not me) and the cats chasing the bugs in the grass and the airplanes flying over head.
The reason I like watching the airplanes is that I get to go be on one this weekend. We are going on a cruise!! I'm sooo excited. I've been looking forward to this for the past month with bated breath. (bated?? um...breathy excitemen!) I held off on being excited until I knew it was really going to happen, because I hate wasting excitement. If I'm going to get excited, I want it to be worth while. (grin) I love flying. I don't mean just enjoy it, I'm not sure I really enjoy it--especially now that they don't really serve food on the flights anymore, just all the soda you can handle and salted peanuts (so that you have to use the little closet that passes for a restroom or else sit crosslegged and crosseyed until you land). But for some reason, I have always loved flying.
I guess that's because I love to travel. You'd think after a couple of trips this would calm down and be --well, every day. I've been on a couple of airplanes. I've flown to California several times, Orgeon, Cinncinatti, Ft Lauderdale, Atlanta, Mexico and now I'm going to Vancouver, BC. Never been there! That's part of the excitement. I feel like I want one of those collector sticker books with all the countries and states of the northern American continent, so I can put stickers where I've been. (I'm sure my husband would like to see the stickers on me, but then, I'm in a strange mood today, who knows!!)
So...if I come back and splash photos of bears and salmon jumping out of the water, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Sure makes the thought of summer heat much more bearable, if you know what I mean.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Greetings from the Owls

We had some excitement the past couple of weeks--we discovered we have a screech owl living in our willow tree. Well...not really living there, hatching babies there. At first we didn't realize it had babies, we just thought we had this night owl sitting in our tree with eyes open all during the day...(perhaps my children made enough noise that it felt it had to guard against invasion?)
Here's a shot my son took with the flash.
Pretty cool, huh? Well, we have since learned that the owls tend to fall out of the nest when they are learning to fly. They land on the ground, and then walk (or hop) around for a week or so, the parents feed them, and then they start flying and take off.
Unfortunately, we have five cats...all of which are pretty good at hunting down and killing whatever moves. We called my sister (who happens to be an expert on owls) and asked her what to do, and she came and got one of the little ones. It seemed to be weaker than the other one --not moving around as much. Turns out there were three of them all together.
Yesterday one of them died.
It's amazing how you root for nature. You hope that these little animals will survive and take off and grow and live and populate...even though you know the odds are very high that perhaps only one, and perhaps not even that one, will live. Makes you glad to be a human, huh? At least our chances of survival are greater...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
What did your mother teach you?
In this time of confusion and frustration--time of pondering the wisdom of the masses and the people who claim they know the best for everyone--I have a question for you. All of you.
What did your mother teach you?
Now I know not everyone had a mother that nutured and cared for them. Many lost their mothers due to death, or illness, or addiction or anything else you can name. But along with that, there were very many who did have mothers. Mothers who cared and taught and loved and hoped the best for them. LOTS of mothers. Okay...so I don't have the statistics--we'll just go with how I grew up. And--let me say, I grew up with a foster mother, so I didn't even have the normal 'mothering' that I'm talking about.
In my little California neighborhood, we lived by a Catholic Church, a jr. high, an LDS Chapel, walking distance to a library and high school, on the outskirts of a large bustling city. My neighborhood itself had probably 15 to 20 houses on it, and almost all of them had families. Of those families, most of them had mothers that were at home. Not all of them--but most.
Mine, my next door neighbor, the neighbor across the street, the two neighbors around the corner, and so on. ;)
We all played during the summer together and went to school together from the time we were in grade school thru my first year of high school--with a few move-outs and move-ins.
The block just behind my house, was probably pretty much the same, but I didn't really know anyone there.
No one besides the Hispanic family that would come around and sell home made Tamales every year. My family always bought some, but I didn't like them. I like the corn meal outer stuff, but never the inside. My tastes have changed since then, thank you very much.
We were all of average income--some more, some less. The main thing we had in common, were our mothers all taught us pretty much the same thing.
Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't hit. Be nice to your brother/sister/neighbor. Share your stuff. Take care of your friends.
I had friends that were from different walks of life--Mexican, caucasian, black, etc. It was the way the world was. We enjoyed the differences and each other. I remember going to a friends house for lunch and her family hand made their own tortillas. It was my first time tasting real Mexican food. It was amazing.
Let's jump ahead now about 30 years. What are the mothers teaching their children now?
Most of you would say the same stuff they were then--but I beg to differ.
How many of the moms are home during the day? And when they are home at night, how much time do they spend with their children? (I know--many of them are not due to their own choice, but necessity--they are amazing women)
Children are left with video games, television, ipods, and friends who don't have mother's at home either.
Their mothers are still wanting to teach them the same values they had been taught, but it doesn't seem to be coming through. I work in an elementary school. I see these kids and watch their minds work.
They figure if it's there, and no one is actually holding it in their hand--it's now theirs. They figure if their parents aren't sitting on their shoulders telling them to be polite and respect others, they don't have to. These kids are some of the rudest, obnoxious kids you've ever met. And believe me, the older they get, the worse it gets. My husband works in high schools and middle schools...he's seen it all.
On the other hand...there are some really sweet kids who are nice and care and try to do what's right. I have two fourth graders that come and visit me when they are supposed to be outside for recess that are a prime example. Both are clean, well dressed, and manerly. One of them is concerned about her grades and homework. The other one could care less. I can see what they will be like in 5 years. The one will be getting straight A's, and the other will be on the chearleading squad, barely squeaking by. (not to malign cheerleaders, they have to keep those grades up too) I even told them that one day when they were talking about it, and she didn't care. She sees no need.
Who do you think taught our soldiers? Our leaders? The President?
Personally, I thank God that our soldiers were taught to defend and guard and protect. I am thankful that SOME of our leaders are trying their best to lead us to better times.
I just with some of them had gotten the message...
This past sunday was Mother's day. Do you honor your mother? What did she teach you?
What did your mother teach you?
Now I know not everyone had a mother that nutured and cared for them. Many lost their mothers due to death, or illness, or addiction or anything else you can name. But along with that, there were very many who did have mothers. Mothers who cared and taught and loved and hoped the best for them. LOTS of mothers. Okay...so I don't have the statistics--we'll just go with how I grew up. And--let me say, I grew up with a foster mother, so I didn't even have the normal 'mothering' that I'm talking about.
In my little California neighborhood, we lived by a Catholic Church, a jr. high, an LDS Chapel, walking distance to a library and high school, on the outskirts of a large bustling city. My neighborhood itself had probably 15 to 20 houses on it, and almost all of them had families. Of those families, most of them had mothers that were at home. Not all of them--but most.
Mine, my next door neighbor, the neighbor across the street, the two neighbors around the corner, and so on. ;)
We all played during the summer together and went to school together from the time we were in grade school thru my first year of high school--with a few move-outs and move-ins.
The block just behind my house, was probably pretty much the same, but I didn't really know anyone there.
No one besides the Hispanic family that would come around and sell home made Tamales every year. My family always bought some, but I didn't like them. I like the corn meal outer stuff, but never the inside. My tastes have changed since then, thank you very much.
We were all of average income--some more, some less. The main thing we had in common, were our mothers all taught us pretty much the same thing.
Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't hit. Be nice to your brother/sister/neighbor. Share your stuff. Take care of your friends.
I had friends that were from different walks of life--Mexican, caucasian, black, etc. It was the way the world was. We enjoyed the differences and each other. I remember going to a friends house for lunch and her family hand made their own tortillas. It was my first time tasting real Mexican food. It was amazing.
Let's jump ahead now about 30 years. What are the mothers teaching their children now?
Most of you would say the same stuff they were then--but I beg to differ.
How many of the moms are home during the day? And when they are home at night, how much time do they spend with their children? (I know--many of them are not due to their own choice, but necessity--they are amazing women)
Children are left with video games, television, ipods, and friends who don't have mother's at home either.
Their mothers are still wanting to teach them the same values they had been taught, but it doesn't seem to be coming through. I work in an elementary school. I see these kids and watch their minds work.
They figure if it's there, and no one is actually holding it in their hand--it's now theirs. They figure if their parents aren't sitting on their shoulders telling them to be polite and respect others, they don't have to. These kids are some of the rudest, obnoxious kids you've ever met. And believe me, the older they get, the worse it gets. My husband works in high schools and middle schools...he's seen it all.
On the other hand...there are some really sweet kids who are nice and care and try to do what's right. I have two fourth graders that come and visit me when they are supposed to be outside for recess that are a prime example. Both are clean, well dressed, and manerly. One of them is concerned about her grades and homework. The other one could care less. I can see what they will be like in 5 years. The one will be getting straight A's, and the other will be on the chearleading squad, barely squeaking by. (not to malign cheerleaders, they have to keep those grades up too) I even told them that one day when they were talking about it, and she didn't care. She sees no need.
Who do you think taught our soldiers? Our leaders? The President?
Personally, I thank God that our soldiers were taught to defend and guard and protect. I am thankful that SOME of our leaders are trying their best to lead us to better times.
I just with some of them had gotten the message...
This past sunday was Mother's day. Do you honor your mother? What did she teach you?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
So, did you get any mexican food yesterday?
So - shall I see how many people I can annoy right off the bat? How many of you tried to eat at a 'real' mexican restaurant yesterday and couldn't because it was closed? Hmm? Not very many, huh?
How about those of you who teach...how many of you had students missing because they were joining their parents on the march to the capitol? THAT many? Interesting.
I find it interesting for two reasons:
1-I teach in an elementary school, where the kids are having a tough enough time learning the basics, let alone the fact that perhaps they don't all speak the same language (gee...like some of them just came from Mexico last night after going back for two months and don't remember anything they were taught in the months before that?) but they are expected to protest against a law that their parents broke because they were encouraged to do so...
2- It's confusing a lot of people, because they really aren't quite sure why the marching was going on...I mean, we all have hispanic friends, right? We all love mexican food and we all have a smattering of spanish under our belts. That doesn't mean that our lives depend on them.
You know, I guess it's easy for me to say--being on this side of the picture, but things are really whacked out there. LA probably got the most effect because they are probably about 75% hispanic at this point. Have you been there recently? Remember Independence day and the guy on the television asking all the Los Angelinos to stop shooting at the spacecraft? Los Angelinos? Heavens. San Diego has quite the population as well. The hotel staffs probably suffered a lot too.
I agree that there needs to be something done about this situation. I agree that it has gotten out of hand. But-offering amnesty to ANYONE who has crossed the border from Mexico doesn't work. I read an article about a person who was in a crowd of over 200 that were receiving their citizenships. They had only waited 18 months. They challenged all of those who were upset about this issue to do it the right way. I agree.
I understand, however, that there are difficulties that should change. It shouldn't be a difficult or expensive thing for someone to seek citizenship. They shouldn't feel like they are bribing the authorities to get the paperwork through. This isn't China and an adoption agency.
Obviously, I'm not running for president. Nor, am I running for any political office - since I would loose. But, I think those that are letting the MINORITY that is rapidly turning into a MAJORITY in our nation rule the laws and the way things are run, need to take a second look.
There needs to be a change somewhere. Where do you think it should start?
How about those of you who teach...how many of you had students missing because they were joining their parents on the march to the capitol? THAT many? Interesting.
I find it interesting for two reasons:
1-I teach in an elementary school, where the kids are having a tough enough time learning the basics, let alone the fact that perhaps they don't all speak the same language (gee...like some of them just came from Mexico last night after going back for two months and don't remember anything they were taught in the months before that?) but they are expected to protest against a law that their parents broke because they were encouraged to do so...
2- It's confusing a lot of people, because they really aren't quite sure why the marching was going on...I mean, we all have hispanic friends, right? We all love mexican food and we all have a smattering of spanish under our belts. That doesn't mean that our lives depend on them.
You know, I guess it's easy for me to say--being on this side of the picture, but things are really whacked out there. LA probably got the most effect because they are probably about 75% hispanic at this point. Have you been there recently? Remember Independence day and the guy on the television asking all the Los Angelinos to stop shooting at the spacecraft? Los Angelinos? Heavens. San Diego has quite the population as well. The hotel staffs probably suffered a lot too.
I agree that there needs to be something done about this situation. I agree that it has gotten out of hand. But-offering amnesty to ANYONE who has crossed the border from Mexico doesn't work. I read an article about a person who was in a crowd of over 200 that were receiving their citizenships. They had only waited 18 months. They challenged all of those who were upset about this issue to do it the right way. I agree.
I understand, however, that there are difficulties that should change. It shouldn't be a difficult or expensive thing for someone to seek citizenship. They shouldn't feel like they are bribing the authorities to get the paperwork through. This isn't China and an adoption agency.
Obviously, I'm not running for president. Nor, am I running for any political office - since I would loose. But, I think those that are letting the MINORITY that is rapidly turning into a MAJORITY in our nation rule the laws and the way things are run, need to take a second look.
There needs to be a change somewhere. Where do you think it should start?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
war - do we really want to know?
I was reading an article this morning about the human toll in Iraq. The point of the article was that there has been a ban on photos of the coffins coming in from the war. They have decided that if everyone knew how many of our brave soldiers were dying, there would be more of an outcry against the war.
I have discovered I am of two minds with regards to the press. 1 - I agree that they tend to focus ONLY on the negative aspects of what we are doing over there and how many bombings there are, etc. That's what sells papers - I guess no one can blame them. I just think it would be nice to have more of the nation know what good we are doing, and the neat things that are happening to the people. The fact that women can go to school, that there are schools at all...
2 - I'm not sure I want to visually see how many have died. I have three nephews who are in the military - one of which was in Iraq and came home with the true activities going on there (not as bad as painted, let me tell you) and one who is on a ship close by. I already know that they could die at any time - all of us can die at any moment. But with the hysteria that rises when people think things are out of hand - that we don't need.
Yes, I agree that the lives that are being given in this great cause need to be counted and not forgotten or hidden. I also think that we need to have more support for what is going on.
I read a blog the other day that wanted people to express their feelings on their government and how badly it is doing right now. What a sign of the times that is. I have to say, I think a big reason our nation is having a difficult time right now is no one was supporting the president in the beginning - he won by such a small margin they all felt he needed to be kicked out in the first place, and they can't wait to get rid of him now.
When he reacted to 911 - we all loved him. He was the man.
Now...things aren't going nice and easy, and it's very easy to blame the man in the big seat. Never mind that there have been many people undermining what he's tried to do since day one. Never mind that the democrats (ugh..did I actually type that word?) have been on a campaign NOT to work with the man, even though he stated he wanted to work with both parties to get our nation on track.
Never mind that now even the republicans (don't stress, I'm not one of either party... although I tend to vote Republican...) aren't happy with him and want to block every thing he is trying to do. The poor man didn't have a chance.
So - in relation to the two subjects I was grousing on today - I want to say: Yes, we probably do need to see those coffins and know the cost being paid by those brave souls. Perhaps then people would be a little more concerned with how long it is taking for the government to take shape, and how the terrorists are STILL trying to affect our world. How the stalling is killing more of our soldiers and not helping the cause of freedom go forward as quickly as it could.
I want to also say - you know what? I think President Bush is still a good guy. He has moral values, he cares about our country and he is doing his best to get things going in the right direction. I never thought he was perfect - I just thought he was a WAY better option than the other man that was running. I still think he is doing a darn better job than lots of people who think they should be in there...
Just my rants for today. ;)
I have discovered I am of two minds with regards to the press. 1 - I agree that they tend to focus ONLY on the negative aspects of what we are doing over there and how many bombings there are, etc. That's what sells papers - I guess no one can blame them. I just think it would be nice to have more of the nation know what good we are doing, and the neat things that are happening to the people. The fact that women can go to school, that there are schools at all...
2 - I'm not sure I want to visually see how many have died. I have three nephews who are in the military - one of which was in Iraq and came home with the true activities going on there (not as bad as painted, let me tell you) and one who is on a ship close by. I already know that they could die at any time - all of us can die at any moment. But with the hysteria that rises when people think things are out of hand - that we don't need.
Yes, I agree that the lives that are being given in this great cause need to be counted and not forgotten or hidden. I also think that we need to have more support for what is going on.
I read a blog the other day that wanted people to express their feelings on their government and how badly it is doing right now. What a sign of the times that is. I have to say, I think a big reason our nation is having a difficult time right now is no one was supporting the president in the beginning - he won by such a small margin they all felt he needed to be kicked out in the first place, and they can't wait to get rid of him now.
When he reacted to 911 - we all loved him. He was the man.
Now...things aren't going nice and easy, and it's very easy to blame the man in the big seat. Never mind that there have been many people undermining what he's tried to do since day one. Never mind that the democrats (ugh..did I actually type that word?) have been on a campaign NOT to work with the man, even though he stated he wanted to work with both parties to get our nation on track.
Never mind that now even the republicans (don't stress, I'm not one of either party... although I tend to vote Republican...) aren't happy with him and want to block every thing he is trying to do. The poor man didn't have a chance.
So - in relation to the two subjects I was grousing on today - I want to say: Yes, we probably do need to see those coffins and know the cost being paid by those brave souls. Perhaps then people would be a little more concerned with how long it is taking for the government to take shape, and how the terrorists are STILL trying to affect our world. How the stalling is killing more of our soldiers and not helping the cause of freedom go forward as quickly as it could.
I want to also say - you know what? I think President Bush is still a good guy. He has moral values, he cares about our country and he is doing his best to get things going in the right direction. I never thought he was perfect - I just thought he was a WAY better option than the other man that was running. I still think he is doing a darn better job than lots of people who think they should be in there...
Just my rants for today. ;)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Illegal immigration and you...
Okay - I think I've ranted about this before, but I feel the need to do so again. It's not like anyone's going to read it anyway...;)
But I read an article in our morning paper that showed highschool kids marching on our state capital to make a statement about a new proposal to make stricter illegal alien laws. One of the students was born in the US, but her parents were illegals and she was marching 'for them'.
It just kills me. She says that they came here to make a better life, and they do a lot for this country. This country needs them. Okay... Let me say that one thing...her parents started the problem and this kid is fortunate to have benefited from it. On the other hand... Her parents have the obligation to be legal.
There are thousands of illegal 'aliens' who are able to receive welfare and other federal programs because of glitches in the system. I wouldn't make that big of a deal about it, but there are many who come here just to get a hand out. There are thousands who are like that girls parents who come here to make a better life for themselves and contribute to society in the small ways they can. Ever been on the west side and seen all the Mexican themed stores and restaurants there? (grin)
However, if they don't follow the laws, how great is this country going to be if we let anyone who wants to come here come without authorization and substance and desire to do something for the improvement of our society?
Our nation was built on the backbone of the immigration of thousands from countries all around the world. We aren't called the melting pot for nothing! But you know, they had to come through legal channels. They didn't have a handy border that they could sneak across and find someone who might be a relative to live with for a while or just show up on a farm of someone who wanted cheap labor.
Yes, the west has come to depend on these cheap laborers, but it doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean we wouldn't survive without them either. We have thousands of young people that need jobs - they're perfect for it. Yes, the cost of produce and other things might go up a little, but hey - there are solutions and there is a way to work this out.
I am happy to have them here. I am happy to have them stay, but you know what? My Greatgrandfather had to come here through normal channels when he came - why should they be any more special?
The other problem is schools. These people clog our lower income schools with their children that don't know how to speak English, and don't attempt to learn it themselves. They also expect their children to have all the same privileges as the other students whose parents are paying TAXES for these schools and their programs to operate! That is part of where the whole debate is coming. These children take advantage of something that for them is essentially free of any cost to them or their families. Evenutally they learn English through our excellent teachers - and sometimes they are able to teach their parents. Then, half the time the parents yank them out of school to go back to Mexico (or wherever - I'll try and be non-judgemental here) and expect when they decide to come back in a month or two that the kid will do fine in their class. It isn't going to happen.
I read an article about someone suggesting we all go move to Mexico and demand to be given equal treatment as a natural citizen there. Go ahead. Demand the healthcare and welfare and care that they are given here and see where it gets you. Think they would do it? NOT. GO to any other country in the world and expect them to take care of you - IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN!
But we are the bad guys! We have been soo taken advantage of, and yet when we realize that it has become a larger problem than benefit, and decide it's time to take care of things, we are THE BAD GUYS!
I am sooo tired of it. I feel like many of the emails I've gotten over the years that state -
Hey, if you don't like it here, WE DIDN'T INVITE YOU! And if you want to stay, we'd love for you to do it WITHIN THE LAW.
Laws are necessary to have the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country of ours. There are lots of men and women fighting around the world to keep our country a free place and trying to make others a better place to have people whine about following the rules in coming to stay here. Good grief!! Get a life!
Okay - I guess I'm calm now... ;)
But I read an article in our morning paper that showed highschool kids marching on our state capital to make a statement about a new proposal to make stricter illegal alien laws. One of the students was born in the US, but her parents were illegals and she was marching 'for them'.
It just kills me. She says that they came here to make a better life, and they do a lot for this country. This country needs them. Okay... Let me say that one thing...her parents started the problem and this kid is fortunate to have benefited from it. On the other hand... Her parents have the obligation to be legal.
There are thousands of illegal 'aliens' who are able to receive welfare and other federal programs because of glitches in the system. I wouldn't make that big of a deal about it, but there are many who come here just to get a hand out. There are thousands who are like that girls parents who come here to make a better life for themselves and contribute to society in the small ways they can. Ever been on the west side and seen all the Mexican themed stores and restaurants there? (grin)
However, if they don't follow the laws, how great is this country going to be if we let anyone who wants to come here come without authorization and substance and desire to do something for the improvement of our society?
Our nation was built on the backbone of the immigration of thousands from countries all around the world. We aren't called the melting pot for nothing! But you know, they had to come through legal channels. They didn't have a handy border that they could sneak across and find someone who might be a relative to live with for a while or just show up on a farm of someone who wanted cheap labor.
Yes, the west has come to depend on these cheap laborers, but it doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean we wouldn't survive without them either. We have thousands of young people that need jobs - they're perfect for it. Yes, the cost of produce and other things might go up a little, but hey - there are solutions and there is a way to work this out.
I am happy to have them here. I am happy to have them stay, but you know what? My Greatgrandfather had to come here through normal channels when he came - why should they be any more special?
The other problem is schools. These people clog our lower income schools with their children that don't know how to speak English, and don't attempt to learn it themselves. They also expect their children to have all the same privileges as the other students whose parents are paying TAXES for these schools and their programs to operate! That is part of where the whole debate is coming. These children take advantage of something that for them is essentially free of any cost to them or their families. Evenutally they learn English through our excellent teachers - and sometimes they are able to teach their parents. Then, half the time the parents yank them out of school to go back to Mexico (or wherever - I'll try and be non-judgemental here) and expect when they decide to come back in a month or two that the kid will do fine in their class. It isn't going to happen.
I read an article about someone suggesting we all go move to Mexico and demand to be given equal treatment as a natural citizen there. Go ahead. Demand the healthcare and welfare and care that they are given here and see where it gets you. Think they would do it? NOT. GO to any other country in the world and expect them to take care of you - IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN!
But we are the bad guys! We have been soo taken advantage of, and yet when we realize that it has become a larger problem than benefit, and decide it's time to take care of things, we are THE BAD GUYS!
I am sooo tired of it. I feel like many of the emails I've gotten over the years that state -
Hey, if you don't like it here, WE DIDN'T INVITE YOU! And if you want to stay, we'd love for you to do it WITHIN THE LAW.
Laws are necessary to have the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country of ours. There are lots of men and women fighting around the world to keep our country a free place and trying to make others a better place to have people whine about following the rules in coming to stay here. Good grief!! Get a life!
Okay - I guess I'm calm now... ;)
Illegall Imigration and you...
Okay - I think I've ranted about this before, but I feel the need to do so again. It's not like anyone's going to read it anyway...;)
But I read an article in our morning paper that showed highschool kids marching on our state capital to make a statement about a new proposal to make stricter illegal alien laws. One of the students was born in the US, but her parents were illegals and she was marching 'for them'.
It just kills me. She says that they came here to make a better life, and they do a lot for this country. This country needs them. Okay... Let me say that one thing...her parents started the problem and this kid is fortunate to have benefited from it. On the other hand... Her parents have the obligation to be legal.
There are thousands of illegal 'aliens' who are able to receive welfare and other federal programs because of glitches in the system. I wouldn't make that big of a deal about it, but there are many who come here just to get a hand out. There are thousands who are like that girls parents who come here to make a better life for themselves and contribute to society in the small ways they can. Ever been on the west side and seen all the mexican themed stores and restaurants there? (grin)
However, if they don't follow the laws, how great is this country going to be if we let anyone who wants to come here come without authorization and substance and desire to do something for the improvement of our society?
Our nation was built on the backbone of the immigration of thousands from countries all around the world. We aren't called the melting pot for nothing! But you know, they had to come through legal channels. They didn't have a handy border that they could sneak across and find someone who might be a relative to live with for a while or just show up on a farm of someone who wanted cheap labor.
Yes, the west has come to depend on these cheap laborers, but it doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean we wouldn't survive without them either. We have thousands of young people that need jobs - they're perfect for it. Yes, the cost of produce and other things might go up a little, but hey - there are solutions and there is a way to work this out.
I am happy to have them here. I am happy to have them stay, but you know what? My Greatgrandfather had to come here through normal channels when he came - why should they be any more special?
The other problem is schools. These people clog our lower income schools with their children that don't know how to speak English, and don't attempt to learn it themselves. They also expect their children to have all the same privileges as the other students whose parents are paying TAXES for these schools and their programs to opperate! That is part of where the whole debate is coming. These children take advantage of something that for them is essentially free of any cost to them or their families. Evenutally they learn english through our excellent teachers - and sometimes they are able to teach their parents. Then, half the time the parents yank them out of school to go back to Mexico (or wherever - I'll try and be non-judgemental here) and expect when they decide to come back in a month or two that the kid will do fine in their class. It isn't going to happen.
I read an article about someone suggesting we all go move to Mexico and demand to be given equal treatment as a natural citizen there. Go ahead. Demand the healthcare and welfare and care that they are given here and see where it gets you. Think they would do it? NOT. GO to any other country in the world and expect them to take care of you - IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN!
But we are the bad guys! We have been soo taken advantage of, and yet when we realize that it has become a larger problem than benefit, and decide it's time to take care of things, we are THE BAD GUYS!
I am sooo tired of it. I feel like many of the emails I've gotten over the years that state -
Hey, if you don't like it here, WE DIDN'T INVITE YOU! And if you want to stay, we'd love for you to do it WITHIN THE LAW.
Laws are necessary to have the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country of ours. There are lots of men and women fighting around the world to keep our country a free place and trying to make others a better place to have people whine about following the rules in coming to stay here. Good grief!! Get a life!
Okay - I guess I'm calm now... ;)
But I read an article in our morning paper that showed highschool kids marching on our state capital to make a statement about a new proposal to make stricter illegal alien laws. One of the students was born in the US, but her parents were illegals and she was marching 'for them'.
It just kills me. She says that they came here to make a better life, and they do a lot for this country. This country needs them. Okay... Let me say that one thing...her parents started the problem and this kid is fortunate to have benefited from it. On the other hand... Her parents have the obligation to be legal.
There are thousands of illegal 'aliens' who are able to receive welfare and other federal programs because of glitches in the system. I wouldn't make that big of a deal about it, but there are many who come here just to get a hand out. There are thousands who are like that girls parents who come here to make a better life for themselves and contribute to society in the small ways they can. Ever been on the west side and seen all the mexican themed stores and restaurants there? (grin)
However, if they don't follow the laws, how great is this country going to be if we let anyone who wants to come here come without authorization and substance and desire to do something for the improvement of our society?
Our nation was built on the backbone of the immigration of thousands from countries all around the world. We aren't called the melting pot for nothing! But you know, they had to come through legal channels. They didn't have a handy border that they could sneak across and find someone who might be a relative to live with for a while or just show up on a farm of someone who wanted cheap labor.
Yes, the west has come to depend on these cheap laborers, but it doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean we wouldn't survive without them either. We have thousands of young people that need jobs - they're perfect for it. Yes, the cost of produce and other things might go up a little, but hey - there are solutions and there is a way to work this out.
I am happy to have them here. I am happy to have them stay, but you know what? My Greatgrandfather had to come here through normal channels when he came - why should they be any more special?
The other problem is schools. These people clog our lower income schools with their children that don't know how to speak English, and don't attempt to learn it themselves. They also expect their children to have all the same privileges as the other students whose parents are paying TAXES for these schools and their programs to opperate! That is part of where the whole debate is coming. These children take advantage of something that for them is essentially free of any cost to them or their families. Evenutally they learn english through our excellent teachers - and sometimes they are able to teach their parents. Then, half the time the parents yank them out of school to go back to Mexico (or wherever - I'll try and be non-judgemental here) and expect when they decide to come back in a month or two that the kid will do fine in their class. It isn't going to happen.
I read an article about someone suggesting we all go move to Mexico and demand to be given equal treatment as a natural citizen there. Go ahead. Demand the healthcare and welfare and care that they are given here and see where it gets you. Think they would do it? NOT. GO to any other country in the world and expect them to take care of you - IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN!
But we are the bad guys! We have been soo taken advantage of, and yet when we realize that it has become a larger problem than benefit, and decide it's time to take care of things, we are THE BAD GUYS!
I am sooo tired of it. I feel like many of the emails I've gotten over the years that state -
Hey, if you don't like it here, WE DIDN'T INVITE YOU! And if you want to stay, we'd love for you to do it WITHIN THE LAW.
Laws are necessary to have the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country of ours. There are lots of men and women fighting around the world to keep our country a free place and trying to make others a better place to have people whine about following the rules in coming to stay here. Good grief!! Get a life!
Okay - I guess I'm calm now... ;)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Definitely lionish...
Well, I dont' know about the rest of the states, or the world for that matter, but March has certainly entered with a roar here. We had such a snow storm this morning! I've never experience quite the white out before! man, I hate driving in snow like that! I used to love snow...I guess I still do, but not when I have to drive in it! I even have a wonderful car that handles it pretty well, thanks to my hubby.
anyway, I had something pretty profound I was going to write the other day and since I didn't have time to get to the blog, I lost it.
just like most of my thoughts when I don't have somewhere to write them...sigh. Have a good one.
anyway, I had something pretty profound I was going to write the other day and since I didn't have time to get to the blog, I lost it.
just like most of my thoughts when I don't have somewhere to write them...sigh. Have a good one.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Fat Tuesday?
I guess I've lived a little sheltered life, since I'm not Catholic. I never heard of Fat Tuesday before now, and I had Catholics all around me while growing up. I've heard of Mardi Gras, but only since being an adult.
I have to say...I think it's all just an excuse to party. Do you really believe it's right to glut yourself just before depriving yourself of something for 40 days? My husband had a friend that was Catholic and she would give up M&M's for lent. He loved to torment her and eat them in front of her. I told him that was mean, but that's the kind of stuff they would do to each other. It was crazy.
I'm looking at New Orleans, and I know there are going to be people offended by this remark, but I wish they'd just let go and find a life. All that matters is that they've had Mardi Gras for how long? Apparently since 1875 or so. Longer than thanksgiving... hmm.
What really kind of bugs me is that the first street which was made really habitable and useful was Burbon Street??? Like that's something I would have been worried about.
I find it interesting how people are so caught up over tradition. Yes, there are many things that I think are important about traditions. But spending two weeks (Or MORE) partying all night and having parades with half naked people throwing necklaces at you and stuffing yourself silly is not my idea of a tradition - it's all about tourism and money. I guess that's not a whole lot different than Vegas, huh?
Not that I like Vegas either...
I guess more power to ya, huh?
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone...
I guess we'll make pancakes for dinner and start our own tradition. Think in 200 years my decendants will have a hard time giving them up?
I have to say...I think it's all just an excuse to party. Do you really believe it's right to glut yourself just before depriving yourself of something for 40 days? My husband had a friend that was Catholic and she would give up M&M's for lent. He loved to torment her and eat them in front of her. I told him that was mean, but that's the kind of stuff they would do to each other. It was crazy.
I'm looking at New Orleans, and I know there are going to be people offended by this remark, but I wish they'd just let go and find a life. All that matters is that they've had Mardi Gras for how long? Apparently since 1875 or so. Longer than thanksgiving... hmm.
What really kind of bugs me is that the first street which was made really habitable and useful was Burbon Street??? Like that's something I would have been worried about.
I find it interesting how people are so caught up over tradition. Yes, there are many things that I think are important about traditions. But spending two weeks (Or MORE) partying all night and having parades with half naked people throwing necklaces at you and stuffing yourself silly is not my idea of a tradition - it's all about tourism and money. I guess that's not a whole lot different than Vegas, huh?
Not that I like Vegas either...
I guess more power to ya, huh?
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone...
I guess we'll make pancakes for dinner and start our own tradition. Think in 200 years my decendants will have a hard time giving them up?
Friday, February 24, 2006
Well...They're almost finished...
I can't believe February is almost over. Actually, I've been waiting for it to end!!! ;) It just seems like the past two months have dragged! I have enjoyed the Olympics...sort of. I have really gotten tired of the commentators. Especially with the ice skating...ARGH. I want to each through the TV and string them up. My hubby wants to do the same thing. I mean, I guess I understand now what makes a good skater and a bad or average skater, but I am really looking forward to tonight where hopefully they will shut up during the exhibition skating. I would mute it, but then I'd loose the music!!
My hubby feels that the Russian girl should have got silver, and I disagree. I think Sasha did very well, despite the two falls. He says the Russian girl fell only once...but it's about more than falling. It's grace and style and artistry...
OH NO! I'm starting to sound like those dang commentators!!!
My hubby feels that the Russian girl should have got silver, and I disagree. I think Sasha did very well, despite the two falls. He says the Russian girl fell only once...but it's about more than falling. It's grace and style and artistry...
OH NO! I'm starting to sound like those dang commentators!!!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Peace - Lennon style?
Okay, I didn't think I'd find something to write about the Opening Ceremonies- besides how fun they were to watch or anything. But when they had Oko Ono (or however you spell her name - sorry!) read Lennon's lyrics for his song "Peace" it sounded really dumb - then to have Peter Gabrielle sing it, he actually did a good job - but then I listened to the lyrics for probably the first time. Really listened. I'd never been really comfortable with the first two lines, I happen to be a religious person and to have them say imagine there's no Heaven or no Hell - that's like, imagine there's no consequences - no rules. "Nothing worth killing or dying for..."
It went downhill from there.
I mean, I am all for Peace! I think the Olympics brings us closer to peace than anything else right now. But for them to back the idea that if we did away with all religion and government we would have peace? That's what is called um, lets see, anarchy? Communism? - that is chaos and not a true society.
I'm sure they were just thinking about the idea of peace - and everyone living in harmony and happiness...yes, that's what we all want. But we are all different.
That is the main situation we find ourselves facing. We are all different. Whether we come from other countries, or backgrounds or faith or state of mind - we are all individual, and all going to see things a different way.
It takes courage to have peace - it takes even more courage to fight for something that is right, and to defend those who are unable to fight back themselves. I think if you ask the majority of those who are serving in the armed forces right now, they would tell you how much they have done for the people in Iraq. How those people thank them everyday for what they do. It takes courage and determination.
We don't insist people think like we do - that's against the basic human right of free agency - or the ability to think for ourselves. We just try to help them get their own countries going to where they can govern themselves - that promotes society and peace.
The Olympics opening was amazing - Italy did a great job. I hope that their message is interpreted the best way possible and we help everyone come home alive.
Just my rant for the day....
It went downhill from there.
I mean, I am all for Peace! I think the Olympics brings us closer to peace than anything else right now. But for them to back the idea that if we did away with all religion and government we would have peace? That's what is called um, lets see, anarchy? Communism? - that is chaos and not a true society.
I'm sure they were just thinking about the idea of peace - and everyone living in harmony and happiness...yes, that's what we all want. But we are all different.
That is the main situation we find ourselves facing. We are all different. Whether we come from other countries, or backgrounds or faith or state of mind - we are all individual, and all going to see things a different way.
It takes courage to have peace - it takes even more courage to fight for something that is right, and to defend those who are unable to fight back themselves. I think if you ask the majority of those who are serving in the armed forces right now, they would tell you how much they have done for the people in Iraq. How those people thank them everyday for what they do. It takes courage and determination.
We don't insist people think like we do - that's against the basic human right of free agency - or the ability to think for ourselves. We just try to help them get their own countries going to where they can govern themselves - that promotes society and peace.
The Olympics opening was amazing - Italy did a great job. I hope that their message is interpreted the best way possible and we help everyone come home alive.
Just my rant for the day....
Friday, February 10, 2006
Olympics rule!
I am one of the biggest fan of the Olympics. Perhaps that's because they acknowledge the athletes that train their whole lives for these moments, or it's the stories of the down and out poor village that sends their one contestant, or the way it seems to draw the whole world together for just a few weeks...
I don't know what it is, but it's my favorite thing next to chocolate and my hubby, and I'm so excited I can barely stand it. I know there's the whole political side, and everyone makes money and the athletes are no longer amateurs, (sadness!!!) but it's still an amazing event and I think it furthers world peace, if only for a short time.
I'm gonna be busy the next two weeks in the evening - you can count on that!
I don't know what it is, but it's my favorite thing next to chocolate and my hubby, and I'm so excited I can barely stand it. I know there's the whole political side, and everyone makes money and the athletes are no longer amateurs, (sadness!!!) but it's still an amazing event and I think it furthers world peace, if only for a short time.
I'm gonna be busy the next two weeks in the evening - you can count on that!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I hate conflict. I used to do just about anything to avoid it, but when you have children, it becomes ineveitable. (sigh) Also, there are times when you just have to hash things out with your spouse, so that communication is clear.
I find though, sometimes, that I have conflict with my conscious. I do mystery shops - therefore, I lie. I don't like to lie - I don't lie in any other aspect of my life (well...do little white ones count?) and so it feels very uncomfortable. I feel as if I'm in conflict the whole time I'm doing it. I have come to terms with some of them - but there are still shops that I've decided not to do simply because it makes me too uncomfortable. It's not life or death that I be there doing it, so I will not.
What makes it reasonable? Why do we place ourselves in these kind of situations? I don't know, but I know part of it is like stress. Conflict causes stress - simply because we don't know how to deal with it, or the other party is not trying to work things through.
How do you deal with conflict? Do you want to go out and kill everyone who makes you angry? (like that group of people in the middle east who think the world is out to get them)
Or do you run away and hide - pretending it doesn't exist? Unfortuately one cannot avoid conflict all of one's life - but you can still deal with it. You have to decide if the conflict is worth the stress. If it is, you deal with it. If it's not, you don't. Just watch it doesn't bite you in the butt!
The problem is though, you have to confront a child when they lie, or steal, or hurt someone else. That is what parenting is about. That's what family is for - you know, grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles. They have a large influence on all of us. That's why it's the cornerstone of our society.
It occurs to me that perhaps that is part of societies job as well. Aren't we supposed to encourage good behavior in each other? Not being judgemental - just encouraging. That is why we have laws, isn't it? To discourage bad behavior and encourage good.
It seems to me that this has been going down hill the past couple of decades. Everyone is so concerned about ME. What do I get out of it? How does that possibly help ME?
Remember the 'Me Generation?' I don't think it left. I think it's just getting worse. Because (and this is just my opinion here) todays parents are the ones from the me generation, and they haven't changed...so their children are now doubly worse...
Where do you think what's his face came from that wrote Million Pieces? Sad.
Just the thought for the day...
I find though, sometimes, that I have conflict with my conscious. I do mystery shops - therefore, I lie. I don't like to lie - I don't lie in any other aspect of my life (well...do little white ones count?) and so it feels very uncomfortable. I feel as if I'm in conflict the whole time I'm doing it. I have come to terms with some of them - but there are still shops that I've decided not to do simply because it makes me too uncomfortable. It's not life or death that I be there doing it, so I will not.
What makes it reasonable? Why do we place ourselves in these kind of situations? I don't know, but I know part of it is like stress. Conflict causes stress - simply because we don't know how to deal with it, or the other party is not trying to work things through.
How do you deal with conflict? Do you want to go out and kill everyone who makes you angry? (like that group of people in the middle east who think the world is out to get them)
Or do you run away and hide - pretending it doesn't exist? Unfortuately one cannot avoid conflict all of one's life - but you can still deal with it. You have to decide if the conflict is worth the stress. If it is, you deal with it. If it's not, you don't. Just watch it doesn't bite you in the butt!
The problem is though, you have to confront a child when they lie, or steal, or hurt someone else. That is what parenting is about. That's what family is for - you know, grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles. They have a large influence on all of us. That's why it's the cornerstone of our society.
It occurs to me that perhaps that is part of societies job as well. Aren't we supposed to encourage good behavior in each other? Not being judgemental - just encouraging. That is why we have laws, isn't it? To discourage bad behavior and encourage good.
It seems to me that this has been going down hill the past couple of decades. Everyone is so concerned about ME. What do I get out of it? How does that possibly help ME?
Remember the 'Me Generation?' I don't think it left. I think it's just getting worse. Because (and this is just my opinion here) todays parents are the ones from the me generation, and they haven't changed...so their children are now doubly worse...
Where do you think what's his face came from that wrote Million Pieces? Sad.
Just the thought for the day...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
greetings from the land of stupid
Well...I decided that I needed a blog to get stupid thoughts out of my head. I realize that no one is probably going to be interested in those thoughts...but here they are. I also decided that this needed to be done separately form my other blog because they are different thoughts....
My main gripe today is a situation going on in my state legislature. (sorry about spelling...I didn't get straight A's - this isn't called stupid thoughts for nothing...;)
They are voting to undo a bill they passed that allows the 'undocumented' youth to pay for college as living in the state. All the 'undocumented' kids are all upset about this - how can they afford to go now, etc.
Well....I have news for you. Get Documentation! Why should you have all the rights and privileges of a citizen of this state and country if you don't want to go through the legal channels? Now, granted, you might have been brought here by your parents and didn't know you weren't documented until entering college...although I think somewhere in high school that should have been made known to you... But you know, while I am glad you are seeking to get a higher education, and that you don't have a lot of money, neither do my own children. They are going to have to apply for grants and aid and work their way through college...what makes you any different from them? Besides the fact that they were born here, that is...
Just my rant for the day.
My main gripe today is a situation going on in my state legislature. (sorry about spelling...I didn't get straight A's - this isn't called stupid thoughts for nothing...;)
They are voting to undo a bill they passed that allows the 'undocumented' youth to pay for college as living in the state. All the 'undocumented' kids are all upset about this - how can they afford to go now, etc.
Well....I have news for you. Get Documentation! Why should you have all the rights and privileges of a citizen of this state and country if you don't want to go through the legal channels? Now, granted, you might have been brought here by your parents and didn't know you weren't documented until entering college...although I think somewhere in high school that should have been made known to you... But you know, while I am glad you are seeking to get a higher education, and that you don't have a lot of money, neither do my own children. They are going to have to apply for grants and aid and work their way through college...what makes you any different from them? Besides the fact that they were born here, that is...
Just my rant for the day.
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